A cornerstone of scouting is helping the community. Pack 962 does several service projects every year. We are always looking for adult volunteers and scouts to sign up and help! Use the link here to sign up to help and we'll see you out there!
Lovettsville Elementary School Cleanup
For the last two decades, Pack 962 has gotten together in late August to help beautify the front of Lovettsville Elementary School before the official start of the LCPS school year. Every year we weed, mulch, and clean up around the front of the school so it's ready for all those wonderful kiddos! You can sign up to help here!
Every year that Lovettsville has hosted its annual Oktoberfest, Pack 962 has been there! Typically we help during the Saturday portion of the event with trash pick up and clean up. In return for our help, the town generously gives us a booth so we can get out the word about our amazing program. This event needs volunteers for our recruiting booth and to help clean up. Sign up using the form here for either.
Note: The trash clean up is under service projects and the booth help is under recruiting on the form.
Waterford School Cleanup
In yet another fruitful relationship, the Town of Waterford waives the usage fees for the Old Waterford School for our PWD, and all we have to do in return is mulch and weed the flower beds around the school. Does anyone else see a theme here? Sign up for the event here.
Earth Day
While the project is different every year, the message is always the same. It's our job to help the Earth. A day to celebrate the rock that sustains us is a small price to pay for all we get. Join us to help make this world just a little bit better. Sign up here to volunteer.
Trash the Trash
Trash-the-Trash is a worldwide annual Boy and Cub Scout event that brings us all together in an effort to help clean up the world. Pack 962 has been participating in this event since it began. Sign up to help here.